The 11 Best Treadmills on Amazon for Stepping Up Your Exercise

05 Jan.,2024


What Amazon reviewers say: “We bought this treadmill as a Cyber Monday deal after agonizing over whether or not to go with a Peloton treadmill…So far, the treadmill itself has met expectations and we love it…I'm able to maintain my fitness instead of sitting on my butt all winter and trying to desperately recover my fitness every spring.”

The Best Incline Treadmill on Amazon: Bowflex T22 Treadmill

Maximum speed: 12 mph
Incline range: -5% to 20%
Deck size: 22 x 60 inches
Folding: Yes
Weight capacity: 350 pounds
iFit integration: No

In a lot of ways, Bowflex's top-of-the-line treadmill beats out the NordicTrack above. The 22" touchscreen is comparatively huge and the incline range is notably broader, which is why it's our favorite for all you hill-running freaks and trail running obsessives. So, why isn't the T22 our numéro uno choice overall? Frankly, it's because we're design snobs, and the Bowflex looks like a Michael Bay Transformer that gets seven seconds of screen time. Not that most folks are setting up their Treadmills in the living room, but still: if we're spending the money, we're going to consider aesthetics.

That said, we wouldn't blame you for judging the T22 purely on the merits of its impressive technical capabilities and smart features, which make it the most advanced treadmill on Amazon. (Though check out the GQ Fitness Awards to see what an $11,000 treadmill looks like).

In terms of performance, the T22 has a top speed of 12 miles per hour and 20 resistance levels, as well as a spacious (folding) deck that gives runners plenty of room to maneuver. You can also keep a close eye on your stats and heart-rate thanks to the extra-large screen and Bluetooth armband.

What Amazon reviewers say: “Bought this in April of 2021. Took 2 hours to assemble. Best gym purchase I’ve made. I use it all the time. Dec. of 2022 had a short in a board. Called support and was wow’d. I forgot to register it…They registered it while on the phone. It was connected to my network so they were receiving crash logs. He pulled mine up and trouble shot it.”

The Best Budget Treadmill on Amazon: Sunny Health & Fitness Classic Treadmill

Sunny Health and Fitness

Classic Treadmill with Auto Incline




Maximum speed: 8 mph
Incline range: 12%
Deck size: 16.5 x 49.5 inches
Folding: Yes
Weight capacity: 240 pounds
iFit integration: No

The prices of our two favorite treadmills on Amazon mean they're for hardcore runners who want the best, and don't mind shelling out to get it. But for treadmill newbies or more casual users, the Sunny Health and Fitness Auto Incline Treadmill checks the right boxes (which explains why it's so popular on Amazon, too).

It's major differentiator from the budget treadmill pack is the automatic incline adjustment: as in, you can use buttons to adjust the angle, even mid-run, rather than manually changing the deck tilt before hopping on. The top speed is a slightly modest 8 mph (a 7:30 min/mile pace)—likely fast enough for anyone not doing HIIT-style sprint training or running distances at close-to-paces.

Of course, at this price, comparing the Sunny to treadmills that cost five times as much is unfair: of course you don't get a big ol' touchscreen display or smart connectivity. The deck size is comparatively cramped, and its not going to feel super sturdy if you're in the vicinity of the 240-pound weight limit.